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Labour Day
Labour Day holiday - all offices closed.
First Set of Webinar Dates set!
Dates for the first set of webinars have now been set. Registration is now open for the first webinar, "Vision, Goals, Strands". Visit the Webinars page for details.
Webinar 1: Vision, Goals, and Strands - Premiere
4:00 pm
Premiere of the first webinar in the series, "Vision, Goals, and Strands" to take place at 4pm. A repeat of the webinar will occur at 6:30pm. Each webinar will last one hour. This webinar will occur 4 times, and a copy will eventually be stored on this website for future access and replay.
Webinar 1: Visions, Goals, and Strands - Repeat
4:00 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Vision, Goals, and Strands" will occur tonight at 4:00pm
Webinar 2: Program Planning - Premiere
6:30 pm
Premiere of the second webinar in the series, "Program Planning" will take place at 6:30pm. Repeats of the webinar will occur in the coming weeks. Each webinar will last one hour. This webinar will occur 4 times, and a copy will eventually be stored on this website for future access and replay.
Webinar 3: Mathematical Modelling - Premiere
4:00 pm
Premiere of the third webinar in the series, "Mathematical Modelling" will take place at 4pm. Repeats of the webinar will occur in the coming weeks. Each webinar will last one hour. This webinar will occur 4 times, and a copy will eventually be stored on this website for future access and replay.
Webinar 1: Visions, Goals, and Strands - Repeat
6:30 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Vision, Goals, and Strands" will occur tonight at 6:30pm
Webinar 2: Program Planning - Repeat
4:00 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Program Planning" will occur tonight at 4:00pm
Webinar 3: Mathematical Modelling - Repeat
6:30 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Mathematical Modelling" will occur tonight at 6:30pm
Webinar 3: Mathematical Modelling - Repeat
4:00 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Mathematical Modelling" will occur tonight at 4:00pm
Webinar 2: Program Planning - Repeat
6:30 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Programming Planning" will occur tonight at 6:30pm
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving holiday Monday - all offices closed.
Webinar 2: Program Planning - Repeat
4:00 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Program Planning" will occur tonight at 4:00pm
Webinar 3: Mathematical Modelling - Repeat
6:30 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Mathematical Modelling" will occur tonight at 6:30pm
Webinar 4: SEL in Math & Processes - Premiere
4:00 pm
Premiere of the fourth webinar in the series, "Social-Emotional Learning Skills in Mathematics and the Mathematical Processes" will take place at 4pm. Repeats of the webinar will occur in the coming weeks. Each webinar will last one hour. This webinar will occur 4 times, and a copy will eventually be stored on this website for future access and replay.
Webinar 5: Assessment & Evaluation - Premiere
6:30 pm
Premiere of the fifth webinar in the series, "Assessment & Evaluation" will take place at 6:30pm. Repeats of the webinar will occur in the coming weeks. Each webinar will last one hour. This webinar will occur 4 times, and a copy will eventually be stored on this website for future access and replay.
Webinar 5: Assessment & Evaluation - Repeat
4:00 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Assessment & Evaluation" will occur tonight at 4:00pm
Webinar 4: SEL in Math & Processes - Repeat
6:30 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Social-Emotional Learning in Math & Processes" will occur tonight at 4:00pm
Webinar 5: Assessment & Evaluation - Repeat
4:00 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Assessment & Evaluation" will occur tonight at 4:00pm
Webinar 4: SEL in Math & Processes - Repeat
6:30 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Social-Emotional Learning in Math & Processes" will occur tonight at 6:30pm
Webinar 4: SEL in Math & Processes - Repeat
4:00 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Social-Emotional Learning in Math & Processes" will occur tonight at 4:00pm
Webinar 5: Assessment & Evaluation - Repeat
6:30 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Assessment & Evaluation" will occur tonight at 6:30pm
Project Update
Focus is now on the Lesson and Assessment plans, and the accompanying webinars by division as these are made available over the coming months.
A schedule for the upcoming webinars will be determined by November 30th or sooner.
Christmas Day - all offices closed.
New Year's Day
New Year's Day - all offices closed.
Webinar: Coding in Primary
4:00 pm
Premiere of the first webinar in the series, "Coding in the Primary Grades" to take place at 4pm. A repeat of the webinar will occur 3 times. Each webinar will last one hour. A copy of this webinar will eventually be stored on this website for future access and replay.
Family Day
Family Day - all offices closed.
Webinar: Coding in Primary
6:30 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Coding in the Primary Grades" will take place at 6:30 pm.
Webinar: Coding in Primary
4:00 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Coding in the Primary Grades" will take place at 4 pm.
Webinar: Coding in Primary
4:00 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Coding in the Primary Grades" will take place at 4 pm.
Webinar: Coding in Junior
6:30 pm
Premiere of the first webinar in the series, "Coding in the Junior Grades" to take place at 6:30pm. A repeat of the webinar will occur 3 times. Each webinar will last one hour. A copy of this webinar will eventually be stored on this website for future access and replay.
Webinar: Coding in Junior
6:30 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Coding in the Junior Grades" will take place at 6:30 pm.
Webinar: Coding in Junior
4:00 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Coding in the Junior Grades" will take place at 4 pm.
Webinar: Coding in Junior
6:30 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Coding in the Junior Grades" will take place at 6:30 pm.
Webinar: Coding in Intermediate
4:00 pm
Premiere of the first webinar in the series, "Coding in the Intermediate Grades" to take place at 4pm. A repeat of the webinar will occur 3 times. Each webinar will last one hour. A copy of this webinar will eventually be stored on this website for future access and replay.
Webinar: Coding in Intermediate
4:00 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Coding in the Intermediate Grades" will take place at 4 pm.
Webinar: Coding in Intermediate
6:30 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Coding in the Intermediate Grades" will take place at 6:30 pm.
Webinar: Coding in Intermediate
4:00 pm
A repeat of the webinar "Coding in the Intermediate Grades" will take place at 4 pm.
Webinar: Premiere - Fractions in Primary
4:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - Mathematical Modelling in Intermediate
6:30 pm
Webinar: Premiere - Financial Literacy in Junior
4:00 pm
Webinar: Mathematical Modelling in Intermediate
4:00 pm
Webinar: Fractions in Primary
6:30 pm
Webinar: Fractions in Primary
4:00 pm
Webinar: Financial Literacy in Junior
6:30 pm
Webinar: Mathematical Modelling in Intermediate
4:00 pm
Webinar: Fractions in Primary
4:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - Fractions in Junior
6:30 pm
Webinar: Fractions in Junior
4:00 pm
Webinar: Mathematical Modelling in Intermediate
4:00 pm
Webinar: Financial Literacy in Junior
6:30 pm
Webinar: Fractions in Junior
6:30 pm
Webinar: Financial Literacy in Junior
4:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - Mathematical Modelling in Junior
6:30 pm
Webinar: Fractions in Junior
4:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - Financial Literacy in Primary
6:30 pm
Webinar: Mathematical Modelling in Junior
4:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - Fractions in Intermediate
6:30 pm
Webinar: Mathematical Modelling in Junior
6:30 pm
Webinar: Financial Literacy in Primary
4:00 pm
Webinar: Fractions in Intermediate
6:30 pm
Webinar: Mathematical Modelling in Junior
4:00 pm
Webinar: Financial Literacy in Primary
6:30 pm
Webinar: Fractions in Intermediate
6:30 pm
Webinar: Fractions in Intermediate
4:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - Mathematical Modelling in Primary
6:30 pm
Webinar: Financial Literacy in Primary
4:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - Financial Literacy in Intermediate
6:30 pm
Webinar: Financial Literacy in Intermediate
4:00 pm
Webinar: Mathematical Modelling in Primary
6:30 pm
Webinar: Mathematical Modelling in Primary
6:30 pm
Webinar: Financial Literacy in Intermediate
6:30 pm
Webinar: Mathematical Modelling in Primary
4:00 pm
Webinar: Financial Literacy in Intermediate
4:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - The Elementary to Secondary Transition in Mathematics
1:00 pm
Webinar: The Elementary to Secondary Transition in Mathematics
7:00 pm
Webinar: The Elementary to Secondary Transition in Mathematics
10:00 am
Webinar: Premiere - Course Planning
10:00 am
Webinar: Course Planning
7:00 pm
Webinar: Course Planning
4:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - De-streaming for Success
4:00 pm
Webinar: De-streaming for Success
4:00 pm
Webinar: De-streaming for Success
7:00 pm
Webinar: Shaping the Learning Environment
4:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - Shaping the Learning Environment
4:00 pm
Webinar: Shaping the Learning Environment
7:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - Strand A - Mathematical Thinking and Making Connections through Coding
7:00 pm
Webinar: Strand A - Mathematical Thinking and Making Connections through Coding
4:00 pm
Webinar: Strand A - Mathematical Thinking and Making Connections through Coding
7:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - Strand A - Mathematical Thinking and Making Connections through Mathematical Modelling
4:00 pm
Webinar: Strand A - Mathematical Thinking and Making Connections through Mathematical Modelling
7:00 pm
Webinar: Strand A - Mathematical Thinking and Making Connections through Mathematical Modelling
4:00 pm
Webinar: Premiere - Data Literacy Across the Strands
4:00 pm
Webinar: Data Literacy Across the Strands
4:00 pm
Webinar: Data Literacy Across the Strands
7:00 pm
Grade 9 Project complete
As of October 31st, the final lessons and webinars have now been posted and are available to all from the website.
Grade 9 Project complete
As of October 31st, 2021 the final lessons and webinars have now been posted and are available to all from the website. No more lessons or webinars are planned at this time.